Learn about the Life and Contributions of Louis Pasteur...
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Louis Pasteur • Microbiologist • Chemist
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With this app students learn about the life and contributions to microbiology and chemistry made by Louis Pasteur. It discusses how discoveries about how diseases are transmitted led to health promoting practices such as vaccinations & immunizations.

Louis Pasteur was born in Dole, France in 1822. He made many contributions to science. He is credited with founding the science of bacteriology. He worked in both the physical and biological sciences. He made contributions to the science of crystallography. Many consider Louis Pasteur to be one of the greatest scientists of all time for his important contributions to medicine and biologically based industries..

With this app students learn about the significant contributions that Pasteur made to further the development of modern health practices. Using meticulous research practices, Pasteur was able to identify the causes of many serious diseases.

In addition to his contributions in microbiology, Louis Pasteur made several important scientific discoveries in chemistry related to crystal structures. Pasteur discovered that polarized light interacts differently in crystals that are mirror images of each other..

Students will enjoy using this graphically illustrated, interactive learning tool. The timeline feature presents key events in the history of science and tapping on timeline points brings up descriptions of each of the historical event and tells about its significance. A quiz function helps students demonstrate their comprehension of the reading material. Key scientific concepts are shown in colorful illustrations. We hope this app will inspire students to study science. The app shows that Louis Pasteur certainly deserves an important place in the history of science.

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Special features make using
Louis Pasteur- Microbiologist • Chemist fun:

1. Tap buttons to learn about the major events in his life.

2. interesting facts are presented using colorful charts.

3. Tap the quiz or game buttons to practice what you've learned.

4. Read about some of the significant events in the history of science and the important contributions that Louis Pasteur made during his lifetime.

5. Sound effects make the interaction even more fun.

6. Available for iPad and Apple TV devices.


Available now for Apple TV

Bring the excitement of exploring the scientific ideas and contributions of Louis Pasteur to your classroom or living room with the Apple TV version of the Louis Pasteur - Microbiologist • Chemist.
