Use Number Cubes Deluxe to Discover Basic Concepts...
An Interactive App to Inspire an Interest in Learning in a Creative Way...


Number Cubes creates a virtual manipulative playground for students to use in exploring basic math concepts.

Whole numbers, fractions or decimals appear at the top of the screen. By touching a number and then sliding down onto the grid students can move and place a set of number cubes. The app has three different modes and the sets of number cubes can represent whole numbers from 1 to 10, fractions from 1/10 to 1 and decimals from 0.1 to 1.0.

The app presents challenges for the students to complete. For example a challenge might be to find two sets of cubes that are equal in length to a given set of cubes.

A variety of special features make it fun for students to use Number Cubes. Speech is used to describe activities and reward correct answers. Sound effects add to the fun of using the app.

A scoreboard keeps track of students performance and can be kept over time or cleared if the app is used by other students in a classroom situation.

[ See also Geometry Portal AR, Algebra Portal AR and Geometry AR ]







Special features make using the Number Cubes Deluxe app fun:

1. Develop problem solving skills while learning manipulating blocks with this fun to use app.

2. Save your scores to show your teacher, parents and friends.

3. Speech and sound effects.

4. Available for iPad iOS.

5. Available at a discount to schools participating in Apple's Volume Purchase Program.

