Develop Logical Thinking Skills Using a Classic Mathematical Game...
An Interactive Math Activity to Help Improve Strategic Thinking Skills...


The game board shown above is used to help students develop logical thinking skills. Beads are moved to the right by swiping. During a turn any number of beads can be moved but only from one row. The player who takes the last bead loses. Alternately, the game can be set so that the player who takes the last bead wins.

NIM Master presents a classic strategy game where the object is to force the other player to make the last move.

The NIM Master app introduces students to a simple game with a rich history and complex strategy for winning. The gameboard consists of three rows with 3, 5 and 7 beads in each row. There are two ways to play the game. The object can be to take the last bead or alternately, the object can be to force the other player to take the last bead.

This app challenges the player to think about winning positions and to develop a strategy for keeping the winning position as the game is played. Playing the game involves sliding beads from the left side of the board to the right side (like an abacus or soroban).

There is an option where the player can match wits with the computer.

Special sound effects and synthesized speech make the game fun to use. The interactive design facilitates the development of logical thinking strategies.

[ See also Geometry Portal AR, Algebra Portal AR and Geometry AR ]



Check out our Geometry Portal AR and Geometry AR for middle school and high school age Students!


Special features make using the NIM Master app fun:

1. Slide numbers into place to develop a winning strategy.

2. Play as a two player game or play against the computer.

3. Speech and sound effects enhance the game.

4. Available for iPad iOS 11.
