A Set of Challenging Puzzles Providng Hours of Fun...
Interactive Excitement in a Feature Packed Unique App for Building Logical Thinking Skills...


Lights Out! Puzzle Time is a unique puzzle game designed to provide hours of challenging puzzles. The object is to turn off all the lights, but when a light is turn off sometimes other lights come on. Find the pattern to turn off all the lights.

The app provides 100 predefined puzzles. In addition, you can randomly generate a puzzle by tapping the dice icon. Scores for the predefined puzzles are saved so that over time you can see how your puzzle solving skills are improving. To see a record of your scores tap the scoreboard icon and a list of the 100 puzzles and number of moves taken to solve the puzzle is shown.

[ See also Math Bingo K-6 ]

Special features make using Lights Out! Puzzle Time fun:

1. The app provides 100 predefined puzzles and also generates millions of random puzzles.

2. The app automatically keeps a record of your scores for each of the 100 puzzles.

4. Speech and sound effects can be turned on or off.

5. The Lights Out! puzzle is available exclusively for Apple iPad.

app store

ISBN 1-57116-463-4
