Learn How to Represent Variables and Constants with Interactive Algebra Tiles
Interactive Excitement in a Feature Packed Unique App for Introductory Algebra Students...


Make a bridge to abstract mathematical reasoning with Algebra Tiles. The Algebra Tiles Playground is a great way for algebra teachers to introduce the abstract concepts related to operations with binomials and trinomials. An actual physical set of algebra tiles usually includes squares and rectangles of different sizes. In the Algebra Tiles Playground black tiles are positive and red tiles are negative. The small square is a positive or negative unit. The rectangle represents the x-term. It can be positive or negative. The large square represents x². It can also be positive or negative.

The tiles are used to represent expressions and also show operations with binomials and trinomials. See below for some teaching ideas regarding how to use the Algebra Tiles Playground to help students better understand some basic concepts of algebra.

[Click here to link to a comprehensive Teacher's Guide with examples and activity pages.

[ See also Math Bingo K-6 ]

Special features make using the Algebra Tiles Playground fun:

1. The app helps students visualize abstract algebra concepts.

2. Binomials and Trinomials can be represented using Algebra Tiles.

3. Operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and factoring can be demonstrated using Algebra Tiles.

4. Speech and sound effects can be turned on or off.

5. The Algebra Tiles playground is available exclusively for Apple iPad.

app store

  Instructions for how to use the Algebra Tiles Playground app.
Tap the info icon to read about the Algebra Tiles Playground and learn how to express binomials and trinomials with the tiles.
Tap the eraser icon to remove all the tiles from the playground and start fresh.
question mark

Tapping the question mark icon causes a note to appear with a specific challenge. The challenge presented is randomly generated at the selected level.

Level descriptions:

Binomial Expressions
Trinomial Expressions
Addition of Binomials
Subtraction of Binomials
Addition of Trinomials
Subtraction of Trinomials
Multiplication of a Binomial x Number of Units
Multiplication of Binomials
Factoring a Binomial
Factoring a Trinomial
Turn sound on or off by tapping the speaker icon.
Turn speech on or off by tapping the speech icon.
Tap the scoreboard icon to access the scoreboard where you can view your performance at each of the different levels. The score shows the number of correct answers given.
Tap the GO! icon to clear the playground and the note without erasing the scoreboard.
For some algebraic expressions you might want to rotate the tile. The rotate icon puts the playground in rotation mode and any tile can be rotated 90° just be tapping it.
The evaluate icon lets you specific a section of the playground where only the tiles within that section will be evaluated as algebraic expressions.
Use the right or left arrow icons to increase or decrease the level. Level change effect the type of problem presented when the question mark icon is tapped.
Start the timer function by tapping this icon. The duration of a round is determined using the settings screen.


Algebraic Expressions  

Algebraic expressions can be shown using Algebra Tiles. Here's an example for (x²-2x+1).

This expression is a trinomial. It has 3 terms: x², x and units.

The expression can be represented with Algebra Tiles.


Addition can be shown by building two expressions. Let's add (-x²+2x) and the expression (x²-2x+1).

The expressions are simplified by grouping like terms and showing that opposites make zero (0). The x² and x-terms cancel out leaving positive 1 as the simplification of the two expressions: (x²-2x+1) and (-x²-2x).




Now let's explore subtraction with Algebra Tiles. Here is a representation of an expression.


algebra 1

Suppose we wanted to subtract: (-2x). By studying the set of Algebra Tiles we can see that there is not a (-2x) available for subtraction from the set.

But, by adding zeros we can make (-2x) available to be subtracted. The set is still equal to (2x²+3x-2). Now we can remove (-2x) and the result:

(2x²+5x-2) is found.

Multiplication of binomials can be demonstrated using Algebra Tiles. Erase the playground by tapping the eraser and then set the level to 7 or higher. The screen should look like this.

algebra 2

Using this set up we can show multiplication. Set the Algebra Tiles Playground on Level 7 to study multiplication.

For example, let's find the product of (2x²+2)(x-1). On the top blue bar build the expression 2x²+2 and on the vertical blue bar set up the expression x-1.

With (2x²+2) on the horizontal blue bar and (x-1) on the vertical blue bar, the playground will look like this.


Now we can find the product of (2x²+2) multiplied by (x-1). Remember the rules for multiplication, a positive number times a negative number is negative.
