Critical Thinking Activities Focusing on Patterns, Logic and Imagery...
An Interactive App to Inspire an Interest in Thinking an Problem Solving Using a Creative Approach...


The development of problem solving and thinking skills has been given high priority in curriculum development and inservice programs offered by school districts. Curriculum areas define thinking skills and problem solving differently, but there are themes that can be emphasized to help students learn how to think and how to learn.

Critical Thinking Activities is a collection of challenges designed to help build thinking skills and problem solving abilities. The app presents 10 different activities. In each activity the problems are randomly generated so the app provides hours of engaging learning opportunities.




The activities include the following:

1. Hundreds Chart Patterns

2. What's the Rule?

3. Find a Match

4. Cube Patterns

5. Dot Designs

6. Isometric Designs

7. Design Patterns

8. Reflections

9. Sum Patterns

10. Number Line

The app uses speech and sound effects to present the activities and to make the learning experience more exciting.

As students work on the problem solving activities, a score is kept that tracks progress. By tapping the scoreboard icon teachers or parents can see a record of the students successes.

The app stores a record of the student's progress locally on their iPad as they continually try to improve their score. Speech and sound effects make using the app even more fun. Click the dice icon to get a randomly generated design or problem and starting point for creative exploration. Hours of fun!

[ See also Geometry Portal AR, Algebra Portal AR and Geometry AR ]


Special features make using the Critical Thinking Activities app fun:

1. Develop creative thinking skills while improving problem solving abilities with this fun to use app.

2. Save your scores to show your teacher, parents and friends.

3. Speech and sound effects.

4. Available for iPad iOS.

5. Available at a discount to schools participating in Apple's Volume Purchase Program.

