Learn Essential Concepts of Algebra Right on Your iPad!


Algebra Concepts

Algebra Concepts is an interactive learning system designed to provide instruction in mathematics at the 7th grade enrichment through adult levels. The instructional goals for Algebra Concepts include the following objectives:

  1. Provide practice in identifying terminology related to algebra.
  2. To incrementally build an understanding of fundamental concepts by providing an easy-to-use format for exploring algebra.
  3. To support the development of a student's sense of confidence in his/her mathematical ability.


  • Variables and Expressions
  • Properties of Real Numbers
  • Solving Equations
  • Polynomials
  • Factoring Polynomials

Algebra Concepts uses a variety of educational approaches. It includes a reference system, lessons, quiz questions, and an exploratory tool for open-ended investigations (algebra tiles).

Video Demonstration (Flash Player Required).

  • Lessons - Interactive Self Paced Lessons on Essential Algebra Topics
  • Quizzes - Randomly Generated for Repeated Practice to Ensure Mastery
  • Quick Reference Tools - Provide In-Depth Information about Key Concepts
  • Algebra Tiles - A Fun to Use Interactive Tool for Modeling Algebra Problems
  • On/Off Options and Controls for Various Features.
  • $1.99


    Five lessons are accessed through the notebooks button on the main navigation screen. Tabs on the right side of the notebook are used to access the different topics.

    Use the navigation arrows or swiping to change pages. Tap the tabs on the right side of the screen to change topics.

    Tap home to exit the notebooks, quizzes or quick reference.


    • Variables and Expressions
    • Properties of Real Numbers
    • Solving Equations
    • Polynomials
    • Factoring Polynomials

    Algebra Tiles

    Algebra Tiles are a way of representing operations with monomials, binomials and trinomials. The tiles represent positive or negative x2, x and 1.

    Use Algebra Tiles to interactively explore naming and operations with polynomials.

    The Quiz

    The quiz component of the app generates questions in the following eight areas:

    • Variables and Expressions
    • Properties of Real Numbers
    • Working with Exponents
    • Computations with Integers
    • Graphing Equations
    • Working with Variables and Expressions
    • Geometric Formulas

    Tap A, B, C or D to answer a question.

    magic square

    magic square

    Quick Reference

    The Quick Reference button from the main navigation window opens a section of the app that presents a notebook interface with hotspots linked to basic information about key concepts in algebra.

    Touching any of the examples causes the related term and key concept to be displayed. Tap the tabs to change topics and the home icon to exit.

    Algebra Concepts is now available at the Apple iTunes Store.
    Using Algebra Tiles
    Adding Polynomials
    Multiplying Polynomials